CBD Infused In Coconut Oil - The Most Powerful And Efficient Way To Consume Cannabidiol As awareness of the health benefits of cannabidiol (CBD) increases every day, people are keen to understand more about what is the best way to take it. CBD is a fat-soluble cannabinoid, meaning it breaks down and is stored in fat rather than water. Enter coconut oil, the Queen of healthy fats. With over 80 percent saturated fat content, coconut oil is the perfect medium for CBD. (For comparison, butter has about 50% and olive oil only 20%). Saturated fats are considered “healthy fats” due to their key role in supporting cardiovascular health, their proven ability to help improve immunity, and they even contribute to healthy brain functioning.
These are shorter than most other fats, so can be converted into energy immediately without having to go through any processing. In fact, these MCFAs are well worth noting for their health benefits even before being bound to CBD, as studies have shown they can significantly increase metabolic rates, leading to increased weight loss. Coconut oil is nature’s richest source of MCFAs. 50 percent of the fat content in coconut oil is a fat rarely found in nature called lauric acid. Our bodies convert lauric acid into monolaurin, which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-protozoa properties. Coconut oil is the richest source of lauric acid on Earth, with breastmilk being the second highest provider. Long chain fatty acids (LCFAs) require special enzyme proteins to break them down, but MCFAs are directly metabolized by the body. For those seeking the best way to consume CBD, this translates as a relatively rapid release of the cannabinoid into our endocannabinoid system. The abundance and purity of the fat in coconut oil gives cannabinoids plenty of material to work with. Populations That Eat a LOT of Coconuts Are Healthy People who get a large percentage of their calories from coconuts are far healthier than Western nations. Multiple studies on Pacific Island populations, who get 30-60% of their total caloric intact from fully saturated coconut oil, have all shown nearly non-existent rates of cardiovascular disease. An added benefit of having CBD infused in coconut oil is the versatility it provides. As well as being able to eat it raw, mix it into your favorite hot drink or add it into your meals, it can also be applied topically. By rubbing it straight onto the body’s largest organ – the skin, CBD infused coconut oil can be used to effectively treat many skin conditions as well as provide local pain relief.
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May 2018